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WBA Awards

Every year, the Wisconsin Builders Association recognizes outstanding individuals within its membership whose ideas, energy, and involvement allow our organization to be recognized as one of the top trade associations in the state.

The WBA has four awards programs, including Builder of the Year, Associate of the Year, Rising Star, and Hall of Fame. Awards are given out annually at the President's Installation Dinner.

Learn more about our most recent award recipients below!

Builder of the Year

The highest honor a builder member can attain. Only one award is given each year. Nominees are judged on their professionalism as well as their level of activity within WBA, NAHB, and their own community.

Abe Degnan

2023 Builder of the Year

2023 - Abe Degnan (MABA)
2022 -
Phil Simon (MABA)
2021 -
David Belman (MBA)
2020 -
Shelly Basso (MBA)
2019 -
Alex Lindus (SCVHBA)
2018 - Pam Jewell (GSHBA)
2017 - Doug Scott (SCWBA)
2016 - Brandon Bartow (MCHBA)
2015 - Don Esposito (MABA)

About 2023 Winner Abe Degnan: 

Abe personifies what it is to be a servant leader and goes beyond the walls of his own business to make a difference in his community and the industry he serves.

Listing Abe’s accomplishments and contributions without inadvertently leaving out key and impactful events is difficult. From a business perspective, he and his team provide excellence in their work product, as evidenced by the 2023 Badger Craftsman Award for Whole House Remodel. Degnan has made a difference as a longtime member of the Wisconsin DSPS Uniformed Dwelling Code Council and was the Chair of the subcommittee that established updates to DATCP to exempt "major remodeling" projects from additional regulations.

Abe is a key contributor to WBA and its initiatives, serving as the 2021 WBA President and serving on the most recent WBA Strategic Planning Task Force to guide WBA into the future. Degnan formerly chaired the WBA Advocacy Group and the WBA Membership and Local Officers Group. He was also a longtime member of the WBA Remodelers Council.

Degnan is an example of the type of builder and member who makes a difference for his industry and fellow members daily.

Associate of the Year

The highest honor an associate member can attain. Only one award is given each year. Like the Builder of the Year, nominees are judged on their professionalism and level of activity within WBA, NAHB, and their own community.

Andy Dongarra

2023 WBA Associate of the Year

2023 - Andy Dongarra (SCWBA)
2022 -
Andy Kuc (Statewide)
2021 -
Angie Kieta (MABA)
2020 -
Terry Welnicke (MCHBA)
2019 -
Andy Voeltner (MABA)
2018 -
Charlie Johansen (NABA)
2017 - Pam Van Dera (MSHBA)
2016 - Sean Kelly (SCWBA & WABA)
2015 - Dawn McIntosh (MABA)

About 2023 Winner, Andy Dongarra:
As a local association leader, Andy has served on the Board of Directors for many consecutive years. Andy ensures the engagement and retention of membership by being kind and inviting to all. Andy is a trusted resource for our members, which is why we have appointed him as our Associate representative at the State level. Andy advocates to members the great work that the WBA and NAHB are doing for our members and our industry. Andy’s giant heart makes him a fixture and a staple in South Central’s local network, and his passion is now spreading even further into active involvement at the State level. Andy is dedicated to the financial sustainability as illustrated through general sponsorships, donations, endorsements, and leadership.

Rising Stars

Honors an outstanding member(s) who has/have actively worked toward the betterment of the housing industry by exceeding expectations over the last twelve months and is/are considered to be rising within the association.

Ashly Hartmann

2024 Rising Star

2024 - Ashly Hartmann (HNBA)
2023 -
Jason Chilson (GSHBA) & Kraig Lassig (LABA)
2022 -
John Stoker (MBA) & Fred Wilmsen (BCHBA)
2021 -
Mike Derrick (SCVHBA) & Jody Swenson (LABA)
2020 -
Jason Blenker (GSHBA) & Angie Kieta (MABA)
2019 -
Alex Forer (WABA)
2018 - Steve Gryboski (BCHBA)
2017 - Jane Gobler (CVHBA) & Mike Howe (MCHBA)
2016 - Sean Kelly (SCWBA & WABA)

About 2024 Winner, Ashly Hartmann:

Ashly Hartmann has been a leader in the Headwaters Builders Association for many years with participation on the Board of Directors and many event committees. She has dedicated her time and efforts to becoming a state representative. Even with the geographical challenge of living in northern Wisconsin, Ashly has made it a priority to attend as many WBA meetings as possible, and showing it is possible to do it all, while juggling the family business (R-Value Insulators, LLC) and raising a family. Ashly is a wealth of knowledge on the local level, digesting and taking information from the WBA meetings, and sharing it with the Board and the members of the Headwaters Builders Association. After many years of being asked, we are so thankful for her time and effort to step into further WBA leadership as this year’s Membership and Local Officers Vice Chair.

Mark Brehmer

2023 Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

An honor awarded to long-term members (20+ years) who have established a solid reputation for active leadership and participation at the local, state, and national levels.

2023 - Mark Brehmer (MABA) & David Belman (MBA)
2022 -
Harvey Kessel (MABA)
2021 -
Jeff Dorner (DCHBA) & John Kassner (MABA)
2020 -
Brandon Bartow (MCHBA)
2019 -
Jason Steen (CVHBA)
2018 -
Dan Schneider (MCHBA) & Monica Sommerfeldt Lewis (CVHBA)
2017 - Craig Rakowski (MBA) & Greg Schaffer (MABA)
2016 - Steve Anderson (MABA) & Doug Scott (SCWBA)
2015 - Jim Kubasta (WHBA) & John Anderson (WHBA)

About 2023 Winner Mark Brehmer:

As a WBA Life Director, he has shown his years of dedication to his industry as well as the Wisconsin Builders Association. Mark has held many decorated roles and received many recognitions in the past. As an Associate member, he has held the highest office possible, as he served as the 2015 Associate Vice President of WBA; and he was recognized for WBA's highest honor for an Associate in being named the WBA Associate of the Year award in 2013. Further, Mark was the recipient of the WBA "Above, Beyond and Then Some" award, which recognized his outstanding and extraordinary contributions to WBA. In his time serving WBA, Mark has chaired the WBA Membership and Local Officers Group and the WBA Convention Committee. He has also been a long-time member of the Building Industry Council and the WBA Advocacy Group. Further, Brehmer was a member of the contractor certification subcommittee in 2020-21. This does not even begin to speak to Brehmer's contributions at his local and NAHB.

David Belman

2023 Hall of Fame

About 2023 Winner David Belman:

David has been recognized as a competent, effective, and committed leader for several years on so many levels. He is always prepared, thoughtful and respectful of other’s opinions. He is not a timewaster; he works efficiently and professionally. He has an excellent grasp on membership concerns and efforts to grow and stay strong; he is knowledgeable on the financial plans and goals and, most importantly, understands and supports the strategic direction for the MBA, WBA, and NAHB.

David’s latest success has been to bring a Young Professional membership trial program to the NAHB federation. Under his leadership on the national YP committee, the proposed presentation was well prepared and came to fruition quickly. We are excited to participate in the program and look forward to a January meeting with over 35 young professionals in attendance. David will be our kickoff speaker at that meeting and sharing his Leadership Growth Hacks best-selling book.

David is a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project, event or goal is from the outset and knows how to get that accomplished quickly and effectively. He also knows when to discontinue or change direction on a project. His expertise, business sense and commitment to the association is a truly valued.

WBA Leadership: Current senior leadership, committees, and councils.

Join: Learn more about membership and request information today!