Eastern Ridge HBA Super Home Extravaganza
SHE, the Super Home Extravaganza is back and we are planning one utterly amazing, super charged event! Everything you need to build a home, remodel your existing home, landscape ideas, and anything you do to enjoy your space will be HERE! It's designed to be enjoyed by everyone, ages 0 to 110!
The Eastern Ridge Home Builders Association (formerly the Home Builders Association of Fond du Lac & Dodge Counties) has been presenting a home and garden show to Fond du Lac and the surrounding communities for more than 40 Years! While, the internet has made it easy to find businesses and services quickly, nothing underestimates the value of meeting the company you may hire in person, having a face to face conversation with them, and checking out examples of the quality of work they have done.
Please check back frequently for all of the exciting event enhancements you will see at the Super Home Extravaganza! Be inspired to make your space, a better place at the Super Home Extravaganza March 29, 30 and 31 at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds.
March 29-30-31, 2019
Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Building
Event Hours: Friday: 4pm to 8pm; Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Wolf River BA Home Show
Join us at the WRBA Home Show at Shawano Community High School located just off County Hwy 22 near the State Hwy 29 interchange.
Admission for attendees is free with the donation of 3 non-perishable food items to the local food pantry, SAFPARC, or a suggested $3 donation to Wolf River Habitat for Humanity.

Sheboygan County HBA Home Expo
SCHBA Home Expo Event will be held March 22nd-23rd at Sheboygan Lakers Ice Center
Show hours:
Friday March 22nd 4pm-8pm
Saturday March 23rd 10am-4pm
Sunday March 24th 10am-4pm

South Central WI BA Home Show
Date & Time:
Saturday & Sunday
March 9 & 10, 2019
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Ages 18+ = $5
Ages 0-17 = Free!
*You can purchase tickets on the day of the event.

La Crosse Area BA Annual Home Show
A great opportunity to visit businesses to help with building, remodeling, redecorating, landscape design, financing, building supplies and so much more all under one roof.
Admission - daily pass adults $5, children under 18 FREE

St. Croix Valley HBA Home Show
Please join us for the 2019 St. Croix Valley Home Show. Free entry and open to the public. There will be cash giveaways in each room as well as a grand prize grill package from Warners' Stellian worth $2,000!

Mid-Shores HBA 2019 Home & Garden Expo
Attend Calumet County’s ONLY Home & Garden Show!
We are bringing the show to New Holstein!
Imagine. Visit. Create. Whether you are looking to build a new home, remodel your existing home, or looking to update a room or your yard, the Home & Garden Expo is the place to start!
2245 Calumet Drive, New Holstein (The Former Tractor Supply Co.)

Wausau Area BA Home Show
A trade show featuring exhibitors to assist you with gathering ideas and solutions for all your home remodeling and building projects. You are able to meet exhibitors and discuss your needs and they will offer you their expertise of their product or service. Exciting, new, and innovative products are also showcased.
Central Wisconsin Convention + Expo Center, Rothschild
$5 General Admission - Under 12 Free

Chippewa Valley HBA 2019 Home & Garden Show
Be sure to mark your calendars to join us for our 41st annual Home & Garden Show! We're excited to bring back themes for each day with different daily activities to match. More information on the event will be available in January.
Eau Claire Indoor Sports Center, Eau Claire
$6 / daily pass through February 21st
$8 / daily pass at the door
Children 12 & under are free
Pre-Sale Tickets will be available in February
Friday, February 22nd 1:00-8:00pm
Saturday, Feburary 23rd 9:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, February 24th 10:00am-4:00pm

Golden Sands HBA 2019 Home Show
SentryWorld, Stevens Point
Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM, Sunday 10 AM - 3 PM
Admission $6.00 - Children 12 and under FREE. Get $1.00 OFF or an additional prize entry when you bring a non perishable food item to help benefit Operation Boot Strap.

Racine-Kenosha BA Building & Remodeling Show
Looking to build a new home or remodel? Need some fresh ideas on what to do with your existing home? Need inspiration? Need advice? Need a qualified contractor? We’ve got a solution for you! The Racine Kenosha Builders Association is hosting their annual Home Building and Remodeling Show, where all of your local contractors will be under one roof! In addition, we are holding seminars, where guest speakers can give insights and tips to topics they are extremely knowledgeable about. Make sure you mark your calendar now because you don’t want to miss it!
We hope to see you there!
Tickets will be available before and at the door.
TICKETS ARE ONLY $5.00 Children under 12 enter free
For more information contact The Racine Kenosha Building Association at info@rkbabuilders.com or calling the office at 262-886-5901
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Fountain Banquet Hall, Sturtevant

Lakeland BA Home Improvement Expo
Need inspiration, advice or a qualified contractor? Get all this and more at the LBA Home Improvement Expo February 9-10 at The Ridge Hotel in Lake Geneva. Talk directly to the vendors and get a better sense of whether the company is right for you. Get answers to those difficult questions and stay one step ahead of the market with innovative products and services. Participate in educational seminars. There's even something special for the kids to enjoy.
Mark your calendars, this is an event you don't want to miss!
Tickets are $5 at the door
$1 of every ticket sold goes to Twin Oaks Shelter for the Homeless.
Kids 12 and under are free.

Winnegamie HBA Home & Outdoor Living Show
2019 Home & Outdoor Living Show with Answers to Energy
Cost: Adults $6 (15 and under are FREE) Get a $1 off if you bring an item from the Oshkosh Day by Day Warming Shelter wish list!!! Here is a list of a few thing they are in need of : Paper towel, paper plates, juice boxes, boot warmers, and toe warmers, toilet bowl cleaner, men and women's winter hats, and gloves
Friday 3 PM - 8 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 3 PM

Metro BA Home Building & Remodeling Show
Whether you’re planning to build your dream home from the ground up or turn your current house into the home of your dreams, the 2019 MBA Home Building & Remodeling Show, is the premier destination for people who are looking to build or remodel their home.
Held January 11-13, 2019, at the conveniently located Exposition Center at Wisconsin State Fair Park, the MBA Home Building & Remodeling Show will allow you to connect with the area’s top building, remodeling and design professionals. Stop by and meet the experts, and turn your dream into a reality!
Join MBA experts on the Culinary & Seminar Stage for a variety of free seminars on trends in building and remodeling, innovations in appliances, how to improve residential energy efficiency, trends in interior design and décor, landscaping ideas, entertainment inspirations and more!
Adults/General: $12
Children (12 and under): FREE Seniors (65 and over): $8
Military (with ID): $6

Manitowoc County HBA Home Show
The HOME SHOW has become a much anticipated annual tradition in Manitowoc County since 1980. If you’re looking to learn more about the finest building products, top-quality remodeling jobs, or best home builders in the area, the MANITOWOC HOME SHOW is your opportunity.
Friday, April 6th 4 PM - 8 PM | Saturday, April 7th 10 AM - 4 PM
Admission is $5 per person, children under 10 free. Attendees can receive $1.00 off their admission when donating 2 nonperishable items to the MCHBA House of Food!

St. Croix Valley HBA Home Show
Please join us for the 2018 S. Croix Valley Home Show. Free entry and open to the public.
Warners' Stellian will have a display of the latest and greatest in appliances and outdoor grills!
Saturday, March 24th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday, March 25th 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wolf River BA Home Show
Come and get information from a wide variety of vendors on your next building project or remodeling idea!
Saturday March 24th, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Sunday, March 25th, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Admission: $3 donation to Habitat for Humanity - or - 3 canned goods for the food pantry
New location! Wolf River Lutheran High School, located at W7467 River Bend Rd - turn onto river Bend off County Hwy 22 near the State Hwy 29 interchange

Sheboygan Cty HBA Home Expo
March 23, 24, 25, 2018
Friday: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
$5.00 per person at the door (No advanced ticket sales)
Children 16 & under are FREE with an adult

Eastern Ridge HBA Super Home Extravaganza
SHE, the Super Home Extravaganza is back and we are planning one utterly amazing, super charged event! Everything you need to build a home, remodel your existing home, landscape ideas, and anything you do to enjoy your space will be HERE! It's designed to be enjoyed by everyone, ages 0 to 110!
March 23-24-25, 2018
Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds Expo Building
Event Hours: Friday: 4pm to 8pm; Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 4pm