February EO Update
Time Is Running Out!
Thank you all for your help in spreading the word to members about the 2019 Advocacy Day at the Capitol. We are less than 2 weeks out for the event and would ask that you help us rally folks to attend again this year. If you are registering members, please take the time to get those into our system this week.
Also, a reminder to please schedule meetings for your members who will be attending the event. If you need to see the current list of those that have signed up please contact Brad at bboycks@wisbuild.org.
EO Summit in the Planning Stages
With the help of Amanda Kemmel from Eastern Ridge HBA, we recently had a meeting with Shari Pash to discuss her availability to be our facilitator for the EO Summit this year (Mark your calendar: September 11-12).
Shari comes very highly recommended and has presented at the NAHB Association Management Conference and has been to Wisconsin in the past as well. Some of the topics she proposes for the Summit include:
Engaging the Disengaged Member
Convincing or Motivating for Membership
Strengthen Your Membership Committee & Maximize Its Impact
Sponsorship Sales
Toss Your "To Do" List
Member Software and Data Management as a Recruitment and Engagement Tool
We need to hear from you! Contact Joan at jolson@wisbuild.org with your suggestions, comments and opinions.
May 15th Deadline for WB Foundation Scholarships
Due to the WB Foundation's annual golf outing being held in June this year, the deadline for submission of scholarship applications is May 15th. This means some local scholarship applicants will need to apply directly to the Foundation as well as to the local association in order to meet this deadline. The awards ceremony will be held at SentryWorld during the Board of Directors meeting on June 26th. Contact Joan with any questions at jolson@wisbuild.org. Applications are available on line. Click here
First EO “Zoom” Meeting Coming in April
We will be holding our first virtual EO meeting on April 16. Terry Elton of the Small Business Growth Partners will be our facilitator. Terry brings over a decade of business coaching experience and has graciously accepted our invitation.
We will be putting together an agenda for this meeting, but need your input to make this a valuable meeting. We need to know what keeps you up at night as well as your best ideas and successes. It is a time to share. The goal is to make your position as Executive Officer the backbone of your association - not a back breaking position! Please take a few minutes to jot down some discussion points for consideration and email those to Joan at jolson@wisbuild.org.
WB Foundation Raffle Tickets on Sale!
The Foundation is selling raffle tickets for a houseful of furniture worth $10,000 as first prize. Second prize is a high end laundry set by Electrolux. Only 250 tickets have been printed and the drawing will be at the annual golf outing in June at SentryWorld. Please promote this in your newsletters and member meetings. Ticket sales were brisk at both the Member Meeting Day and President's Installation. Contact Joan at jolson@wisbuild.org for more information or if you have members willing to help sell tickets.
Welcome Alicia!
Alicia Naleid is our new WBA Communications Manager and will assume Samantha's role on Friday, February 22. Alicia has served in a number of positions including the Communications Director with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS), Marketing Coordinator with the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), and two different positions in Governor Walker’s office. She is a 2011 UW Whitewater graduate with a BBA in Marketing. Alicia and her husband live in Verona with their 5 month old daughter. We are excited to have her join the WBA staff! Please welcome her at analeid@wisbuild.org or 608-242-5151 ext 13.