December EO Update
In this issue:
Nominations for Awards & BODs | President’s Install & Member Meeting - PRICE CHANGE | Trends in Housing Conference | Date Change | 2020 Assoc. Mgmt. Conf | Blueprint & Advocacy Update
Nominations & Awards
Nomination forms for 2020 have been posted to the EO Resources page and were due December 13. If you have not submitted yours, please do so ASAP.
President’s Installation & Member Meeting
Registration is Open for the Member Meeting and President’s Installation taking place on February 7, 2020 at Stone Harbor Resort in Door County. Please note that we have dropped the price from $90 to $75. For anyone who has already purchased tickets, we will be refunding the difference, but we are hoping the price drop helps secure some additional registrants. Please make sure you are including a note about registering in your emails to members and on social media. People are able to register and check out for both the member meeting and installation at the same time.
Trends in Housing Conference
Registration for our inaugural Trends in Housing Conference is now open with early bird pricing available! This event will be taking the place of our spring Advocacy Day next year given the lack of activity in the legislature. Agenda is below. Please also include this on your list of upcoming events in your emails to members. Conference will take place at the Ingleside Hotel in Waukesha.
9:00 AM - Check-In & Continental Breakfast
10:00 AM - Workforce Housing Shortage Report, Kurt Paulsen; UW Dept.
of planning and Landscape Architecture
11:00 AM - Trends in Energy Efficiency & Smart Home Technology, Joe Nagan; Focus on Energy (1.5 credits - free for WBA members)
12:30 PM - Lunch
1:30 PM – Wisconsin Workforce & Economic Outlook, Dennis Winters; WI Dept. of Workforce Development
2:30 PM - Housing Outlook Forecast, Robert Dietz; Chief Economist, NAHB
3:30 PM - Cocktail Hour
Date Change
As was stated in an email earlier this week, we had to move the October Virtual Member Meeting from October 8 to October 1 to accommodate schedules for a few individuals on the Executive Committee. Please make a note of this on your calendars.
2020 Association Management Conference
Information and links for NAHB’s 2020 Association Management Conference have been posted to the Executive Officer Resources page for anyone who wants to get a head start on planning. Just a reminder - it will be taking place in Minneapolis so we hope that we will be seeing you all there!
Blueprint and Advocacy Updates
The most recent Blueprint and Advocacy Update has been posted to the Executive Officer Resources page.