January EO Update
In this issue:
February 1 Deadline | Meeting Follow Up | New Affinity Partner | Call for Badger Builder | Advocacy Digest | End of Year Document | WBA Overview | Press Releases | Save the Dates
February 1 Deadline
Please don’t forget the deadline to submit member nominations for Builder of the Year, Associate of the Year, Hall of Fame and Rising Star are due February 1. If you have not yet nominated someone, please consider doing so. Nomination forms are on the EO Resources page. Just a reminder, these awards will be handed out at the July celebration – more on that below.
Member/BOD Meeting Follow-Up
For those who were not able to join us last Friday for our member meeting day, the packet, nahb recording, and their respective powerpoint presentations have been linked on this page. Please feel free to use for yourself or share with members.
New Affinity Partner Coming Soon
We are excited to announce a new affinity partner has been approved. In case you missed the mention in the last affinity partner email, the Inspection Certification Associates will be up and running on our website soon. They will offer members continuing education courses for dwelling contractor licensure, as well as courses to become a residential home inspector. Stay tuned for additional communications from us on this topic that you can push out to members once they have their platform completed.
As you all know, I am always looking for content for the Badger Builder. I try to keep an eye on your email distributions and social media posts to get ideas, but I’m doing another shameless plug and asking you for stories and members from your local association. This could be a great way you as an association or a member is getting involved with your community, interesting stories about a member in the industry, etc. I also would love recommendations of builders and associates to reach out to that we can feature on the cover and in our member spotlight q/a portion of the magazine. Please take a few minutes to send over some ideas if you have any!
Advocacy Digest
The January edition of the Advocacy Digest is now available on the EO Resources page. Feel free to download and use in your own communications.
2020 Summary
If you are looking for easy WBA content to fill into your emails, newsletters, social media, etc., please feel free to insert our 2020 Summary sheet which gives a good overview of the successes and benefits we’ve provided members over the last year. This has also been uploaded to the EO google drive.
WBA Overview
I created a new overview document that we are using for different presentations, member recruitment, education, etc. Please download by clicking here or selecting from the EO google drive in the folder “member benefit fliers & new member material”.
Press Releases
ICYMI, we sent out two press releases in the last week; one on the latest building permit numbers (which shows a 10% increase in 2020 – yay!) and one on the installation of our 2021 leadership. Please feel free to read/use/share as you see fit.
Save the Date
As a reminder, the next member/BOD meeting will be held on July 14 at SentryWorld in Stevens Point. Following the meeting, we will be having a Celebration of Housing which is in place of the installation celebration that was supposed to take place this month. The event will feature a dinner, address by WBA President Abe Degnan, and award presentations. The next morning (July 15) will be the WB Foundation Golf outing. We hope many of you can and will attend, and will help us promote this event; I think we’re all looking forward to some normalcy, hopefully this summer! Don’t forget, the onsite hotel at SentryWorld will be up and running by the time of our event which will make a convenient stay for those participating in all events.