February EO Update
In this issue:
Trends in Housing | Dues Increase Update | 2020 Association Management Conference | Member Meeting Updates | UDC Enforcement Bids | DSPS Plan Review Changes | Resource Documents
Trends in Housing Conference
Registration for our Trends in Housing Conference closes on Thursday. Please copy and paste the information below along with the registration link into any last minute emails and social media posts going out in the next day or two:
The WBA, NAHB, and other great speakers are putting on a trends in housing conference March 5 at the Ingleside Resort in Pewaukee. Register now to hear about trends in energy efficiency and smart home technology, the workforce housing shortage, and workforce and housing outlooks. Event is open to members and nonmembers and includes 1.5 credits for dwelling contractors. Registration closes this Thursday!
9:00 AM - Check-In & Continental Breakfast
10:00 AM - Workforce Housing Shortage Report, Kurt Paulsen; UW Dept.
of Planning and Landscape Architecture
11:00 AM - Trends in Energy Efficiency & Smart Home Technology, Joe Nagan; Focus on Energy (1.5 credits)
12:30 PM - Lunch
1:30 PM – Wisconsin Workforce & Economic Outlook, Dennis Winters; WI Dept. of Workforce Development
2:30 PM - Housing Outlook Forecast, Robert Dietz; Chief Economist, NAHB
3:30 PM - Cocktail Hour
Dues Increase Update
Just a heads up that due to a scheduling conflict, the WBA Finance Committee will now be meeting to discuss the three year budget projection on March 12 (previously the date was February 27). During that time, the finance committee will be reviewing the letters received from locals and comments received during the WBA Board of Directors meeting on February 7 in addition to consideration of different options to present to the membership.
With the announcement of an in person meeting on October 1 there is a great deal of time to further discuss this important topic. If you are looking for a member of the WBA leadership team/finance committee to attend a local board meeting, please contact Brad so he can work on scheduling request.
2020 Association Management Conference
As was announced by WBA President Jeff Dorner at Installation, WBA will be covering the registration cost for all Executive Officers to attend NAHB’s 2020 Association Management Conference. We have heard from several EOs that the conference hasn’t been allotted in their budgets and/or their local Presidents haven’t allowed them the time to go. While we are taking care of the registration cost, a letter from Jeff will be going to all local Presidents asking them to support you all in having the time to spend attending the conference as it’s a great professional development opportunity. Please take the time to register for the scholarship available to you through NAHB at nahb.org/eocscholarship. Together with the NAHB scholarship, WBA’s contribution will make it free for you to attend the conference in August. For those who do include AMC in your annual budgets, we are excited to provide you the opportunity to use those allotted funds on something else for your local this year. Information has been posted to the Executive Officer Resources page for anyone who wants to get a head start on planning. Just a reminder - it will be taking place in Minneapolis so we hope that with the added benefits we’re offering, we will be seeing you all there!
Member Meeting Updates
Just a reminder that the next Member Meeting Day will be taking place Wednesday, June 24 at SentryWorld in Stevens Point, with the WB Foundation Golf Outing taking place the next day on June 25.
Per discussion at the February Member Meeting, the October 1 meeting that was previously scheduled to be virtual will now be held in person, also at SentryWorld. The reason for the change and venue choice is to provide a central location in Wisconsin and to allow for the opportunity to easily vote on a proposed dues increase in person versus virtually.
UDC Enforcement Bids
We have heard from several members that there is a lack of inspectors in less populated areas of the state.
In the upcoming weeks, the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) in collaboration with the Department of Administration (DOA) will be soliciting a Request for Bids (RFB). This RFB will pertain solely to the inspection / permitting services of new dwellings covered under the Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) in municipalities that have not adopted the UDC in their local ordinances.
Through the following highlighted link, you’ll find an OUTREACH LETTER from DOA which includes specific instructions explaining how interested parties can register with that agency to receive the actual RFB. Please feel free to share this news or the linked attachment with anyone who may be interested.
Plan Review Changes
DSPS has implemented several changes in response to mounting complaints of plan review delays. Please read through the changes here and let your members know through your own channels as well. We have posted about it on social media and it will be in the upcoming Blueprint, along with the quarterly newsletter in April.
Resource Documents
Just a reminder that there is a wealth of information available for EOs on the shared google drive that I gave you all access to back in September. New additions include spreadsheets soliciting topics and builder photos for the Badger Builder magazine, as well as a PowerPoint presentation that Brad recently gave to the Lumber Association with a lot of great statistics. Feel free to re-purpose any of the information on that site!