July EO Update
Quarterly Small Business Growth Partners Checks En Route
For those local associations who have members utilizing small business coaching services via WBA's affinity partner, Small Business Growth Partners, your quarterly check is in the mail!
Reminder: NAHB Leadership Training October 25th
The WBA will be hosting a NAHB Leadership Training Seminar in place of the EO Summit on Thursday, October 25th at SentryWorld in Stevens Point.
Please note that the NAHB Leadership Training event is also open to local leaders, such as HBA presidents. The tentative calendar for the day is as follows:
8:30 - 9:00 AM: Networking/breakfast
9:00 - 11:45 AM: Team Planning - designed specifically for the Executive Officer and incoming HBA President, this session helps build a solid foundation for an effective, communicative partnership. The seminar explores leadership management styles of presidents and EOs, and provides an opportunity for participants to set their leadership goals for the coming year. This interactive program will help define the roles and responsibilities of board and staff by brainstorming real-world scenarios and creating clear strategies for success.
12:00 - 12:45 PM: Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM: SPLIT SESSION - Membership & Generational Preferences (learn more about your HBA's competitive advantage, organizational culture, and what prospects value and want across all generations) - and - Getting the Most out of the WBA and NAHB
2:45 - 4:15 PM: Running Effective Meetings: Don't underestimate the value of a well-run meeting. Identify strategies to transform your board room into a ground base for innovation, productivity, and meaningful discussion.
4:15 - 4:30 PM: Wrap-Up
Event information is also available here.
WB Foundation Matching Scholarships Update
Last week, the WB Foundation awarded scholarships to recipients at its annual golf outing. A press release will be forthcoming.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All local associations who submitted for matching scholarships received a matching scholarship! You can learn more about the matching grant scholarship program here.
Consider Being a Satellite Location for the Next Virtual Meeting Day
Our final Member Meeting Day of the year will take place virtually on October 11th, with the option to attend in-person in Madison or virtually by your PC or smartphone.
Some local associations also set up their local offices as satellite locations where members can come to see the meetings streamed live. If you would like to do this again or are interested in hosting a satellite location for the first time, contact Joan at jolson@wisbuild.org.
Start Planning for Fall Early
If you are planning on having a member of the WBA leadership team attend a meeting this fall and would like to make that contact early, please contact Brad (bboycks@wisbuild.org) to get lined up with who has been assigned to your local in 2018. For instance, in the past locals have asked for WBA leadership members to attend and perform their installation of officers, but we leave it up to you to pick what event you would like to have someone attend.
Also, if you were looking for an association and/or legislative update and preview of the 2018 state elections this fall, feel free to contact Brad to schedule a time for him to attend a local HBA meeting (advocacy, board/executive committee/general membership meeting).
BOD Nominations - Start Brainstorming Now!
It's never too early to begin thinking of your WBA Board of Directors nominations for the coming year!
Consider nominating your incoming local presidents as well, if you are not already doing so!
Welcoming Northland Area Builders Association's New Executive Officer
The Wisconsin Builders Association wishes to welcome Erin Metcalf as the new Executive Officer at Northland Area Builders Association. Glad to have you aboard!