August EO Update

WBA Login Deactivation Process for Cancelled Members

As a heads-up to all Executive Officers, the WBA has begun reconciling its website login database with the national (WMS) database, and deactivating any logins where the member has transitioned to cancellation "C" status. 

Additionally, a friendly notification is sent to the cancelled member letting them know their login has been deactivated due to their lapse in membership, and their local executive officer is cc'd in the email to either help kick-start the renewal process or serve as support should the member believe the cancellation notice to be in error.

If a member reinstates, we will switch the login back on. There is no need to set up a new login.

The expanded version:  The WBA website is not directly connected to the national WMS database, and--in order to preserve member benefits--the current list of individuals who have set up a login on the website must be regularly checked against the current member list from the WMS. This guarantees that no members who requested a login in the past continue to have access to the members-only side of the site if they have failed to renew their membership.

NAHB offers one grace month, followed by 3 months of cancellation statuses before expiration - Cancelled G, Cancelled C, and Cancelled D. Because we are aware that many members may be slow to renew and will go past their renewal date (in addition to the delays caused by the WMS system only updating once a month), we have selected to deactivate logins--if they were set up--when a member is at C status.

Cancelled "C" status is when a member has gone 61-90 days past their renewal date. We believe this extra time strikes a balance between providing more space for late renewals while not continuing to give away member benefits indefinitely. All other benefits terminate after the grace period month (WBA emails, eligibility for affinity programs, NAHB benefits). 

Please note that this particular issue will occur rarely, as those who have taken the time to set up a login on our website are also those who are very likely to renew their membership. Out of the 3,900 members reconciled this month, the situation only applied to 4 individuals who had set up a login but since had their membership lapse to Cancel "C" status or beyond.

Finally, we encourage all Executive Officers to submit their batches to the WMS by the end of each month, so we have as accurate of a list as possible for both reconciliation and financial purposes. If you anticipate upcoming discrepancies between the WMS and your current membership list, please contact us. Thank you!

NAHB Leadership Training Seminar in Stevens Point 10/25: Registration Now Open

The NAHB Leadership Training seminar is open to all local executive officers and incoming HBA leadership (up to 4 individuals total invited per local association). We are looking forward to an action-packed day of sessions! 

Cost of reservation is $25 per local association (if cost is an issue, please contact us). 

For more details and to register, click here!

NAHB EO Fall Orientation in Washington D.C.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about all the services NAHB offers EOs to help them effectively lead their HBAs and help their members. NAHB Orientation will take place Oct. 22-23, in Washington D.C., at the National Housing Center.

The orientation provides EOs with the opportunity to become familiar with NAHB's programs, products and services. Through networking with peers and NAHB staff, EOs will be able to more effectively articulate the benefits and services of NAHB when they return home. 

All full- and part-time EOs of builder associations affiliated with NAHB are encouraged to attend. NAHB Orientation is designed to benefit EOs with less than five years of experience. However, all EOs are eligible to register and many seasoned EOs who have attended believe the program is valuable for them, as well.

A travel stipend up to $1,255 is available to all registered attendees. Hotel information will be forthcoming.

Click here to learn more and register. (A NAHB login is required.)

Virtual Meeting Day Early Registration

In an effort to see whether we can boost our registration rates or make our registration list more accurate, the WBA is going to be opening registration for the 10/11 Virtual Meeting Day on Thursday, September 13th. This is two weeks earlier than normal!

Because it is early, we will not yet have the meeting packet together (some of the financial data simply isn't ready until closer to the meeting date), but we will be sending out a follow-up email with packet information on 9/27, and will remind registered attendees about the packet.

BOD Nominations - Start Brainstorming Now!

It's never too early to begin thinking of your WBA Board of Directors nominations for the coming year! 

Consider nominating your incoming local presidents as well, if you are not already doing so!